Agrimax Training materials

Agrimax Training materials

Agrimax held a series of training webinars during 2020 / 2021 to explain the equipment, products and processes that have been developed at the Italian and Spanish pilots plants and what are the benefits to key stakeholders, these were aimed at policy makers, academia, farmers / cooperatives and end users. Recordings of the webinars plus the presentations can be found below.

Training webinar aimed at policy makers (23rd October 2021)


2021 09 23 Agrimax trainning session policy makers EN v1.2

Agrimax Project Overview – IRIS

BBI JU and its contribution towards the bio-based circular economy BBI

Composites with natural fibres, applications in agriculture, packaging and commodities INSTM

High value-added biobased materials derived from agricultural wastes for food packaging applications ITENE

Italian Pilot Plant_Results obtained CHIESA VIRGINIA

Spanish Pilot Plant_ Results obtained INDULLEIDA

Training webinar aimed at farmers / cooperatives (took place on 12th November 2020) 


2020 11 12 Trainning activity for cooperative farmers

201112_Webinar_Processes associated with the biorefinery and pilot plants FRAUNHOFFER

AGMAX Valorisation for food IRTA

AGRIMAX – Online Training – Project Overview IRIS

AGRIMAX-Training Workshop

FCAC-Valorization for packagingITENE

Training of bioeconomy, biorefinery and circular economy Catalan Waste Agency

Training Session – Concepts of circular bio-economy CHIESA VIRGINIO


Training webinar aimed at academia (took place on 15th April 2021) 


2021 04 15 Agrimax trainning session academia EN

210415-_Webinar_Biorefinery proceeses according to raw materials and pilot plant FRAUNHOFFER

AGMAX_ active packaging and dip coating IRIS

AGRIMAX – Online Training – Project Overview IRIS

Agrimax Webinar closing the loop – OWS

AGRIMAX-Integration of the composting process in a biorefinery UAL

Webinar – AGRIMAX Pilot Plant in Italy CHIESA VIRGINIO


Training webinar aimed at end users (took place on 1st July 2021) 


20210701 Agrimax webinar End users EN

Agrimax Spanish Pilot Plant_ food ingredients and bio-fertilisers from by-products INDULLEIDA

AGRIMAX Valorization of ferulic acid from wheat bran to obtain bio-based polymers for packaging applications UNIBO