- Agrimax Brochure
- Agrimax Bookmark
- Factsheet
- Poster
- Flyer
- CommBeBiz – project profile
- BE Sustainable magazine – feature
- Horizon 2020 success stories – feature
- EPI-AGRI magazine – feature
- Animation
- Animation: final products and outcomes
- BBI JU / Agrimax video
- Half way highlights of the project
Find out more about the Spanish and Italian Pilot Plants (including contact details).
Agrimax held a series of training webinars during 2020 / 2021 to explain the equipment, products and processes that have developed at the Italian and Spanish pilots plants and what are the benefits to the audience, these were aimed at policy makers, academia, farmers / cooperatives and end users. Recordings of the webinars plus the presentations can be found below.
Agrimax partners, ARCHA and Chiesa Virginio organized 3 sessions for the biorefinery workers focused in health security and risk prevention in the biorefinery industrial facilities (these took place on 18th, 25th and 30th March 2021).
Circular Business Models – best practice case studies (PDFs)
As part of our work to develop a circular business model for our biorefineries we have looked at other companies who are using a circular approach.
AF Biomass Limited in East Anglia, UK
Granville Ecopark in Tyrone, Northern Ireland (UK)
Steeper Energy and Silva Green Fuel in Hurum, Norway
Wilson Bio-Chemical in Yorkshire, UK
Factsheets (PDFs)
Using cereal waste to develop novel products for the food, packaging and agricultural sector
Using olive residues to develop novel products for the food and packaging sectors
Using potato waste to develop novel agricultural films and pots
Using tomato waste to make novel products for the food and packaging sectors; cutin and lycopene
Using tomato waste to make agricultural fertilisers
The project has a range of videos explaning the aims of the project, the roles of the partners as well as the products and processes being developed at the Spanish and Italian Pilot Plants.
Video: Agrimax Pilot Plant Facilities
Italian Pilot Plant
Video: Agrimax – commissioning the Italian Pilot Plant (biorefinery)
Video: a flexible, multi feedstock Pilot Plant in Italy
Video: commissioning the Italian Pilot Plant
Video: extracting cutin from tomato waste
Video: turning tomato waste into hydrocompost
Video: turning wheat bran waste into biopolymers
Video: turning wheat bran waste into ferulic acid
Spanish Pilot Plant
Video: Developing innovative products from potato waste for the agricultural industry
Video: Turning cereals into advanced cellulose
Video: Turning olive waste into polyphenols and protein enrichment
Other videos
Video: Assessment of impact on soils
Agrimax is building links with the following networks and projects

AGRIFORVALOR builds bridges between researchers and practitioners by demonstrating new opportunities to convert biomass sidestreams into valorized products using e.g. biotechnology and recycling technologies. The technology-transfer and business experts are working with the agricultural and forestry sectors to identify new valorisation pathways for primary and secondary biomass sidestreams together with researchers and industry.

Agrimax has joined the Biorefine Cluster Europe (BCE) initiative. The BCE interconnects projects and people within the domain of bio-based resource recovery, striving to contribute to a more sustainable resource management. The competence focus of the members lies within the biorefinery sector: the refinement of chemicals, materials, energy and products from biobased waste streams.

AgroCycle is a research and innovation project addressing the recycling and valorisation of waste from the agri-food sector. The project takes a holistic approach to understanding and addressing how to make best use of the full range of waste streams associated with the agri-food industry. It will deliver the AgroCycle Protocol, a blueprint for achieving sustainable agri-food waste valorisation.

Agrimax features on BioWatch, an interactive online platform that provides projects in the bioeconomy sector with a free service to position themselves alongside one another and provide direct access to industry, political stakeholders, the media and the general public.

Agrimax is a member of the European Bioeconomy Network (EuBioNet). A proactive alliance of EU-funded projects dealing with Bioeconomy promotion, communication and support. The main goal is to maximise the efforts, increasing the knowledge sharing, networking, mutual learning, coordination of joint activities and events.