Agrimax: biorefineries: health and safety training
Recently Agrimax partners ARCHA and CHIESA performed a training task on health and safety within a biorefinery.
Day 1 – March 18th (9 am – 1 pm)
The concepts of risk, damage, prevention, protection.
Organization of company prevention
Rights, duties, sanctions for the main company subjects.
Supervisory, control and assistance bodies (2 hours)
Physical Risks: Microclimate, Lighting, Video terminal, Manual handling of loads (2 hours)
Day 2 – March 25th (9 am – 1 pm)
Stress and work-related stress.
Regulatory framework
Stress in the workplace
Effects on the individual and on the company consequent to exposure to work-related stress risks.
The process of assessing the risk of work-related stress correlated proposed by the Guidelines of the Tuscany Region (4 hours)
Day 3 – March 30th (9 am – 1 pm)
Chemical risk (1.5 hours)
Biological risk (1.5 hours)
Physical risks: Noise and vibrations (1 hour)
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