AGRIMAX Training Webinar for Academia

 Date: April 15th, 2021; Time: 8.45 h to 14.00 h (European time)

This training session aims to share the knowledge generated on Circular Bioeconomy and on the concept of biorefinery in the framework of the AGRIMAX project. Through this webinar the experiences from AGRIMAX will be transferred to the academic sector, both at the level of researchers and teachers and at the level of university students and postgraduate courses.

Attendant profile

  • University students in the scientific and technical field of the different levels: bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate in fields of knowledge related or potential links with the circular bioeconomy.
  • Teaching and research staff from Universities and R&D centers linked directly or indirectly  to the field of circular bioeconomy

Goals of the training session

· Training on Circular Bioeconomy

· Training in Biorefineries

· Dissemination of the results of the AGRIMAX project

· General knowledge of R & D  projects at European level

Platform: ZOOM Webinar

Languages: English, Spanish (translation service available)

Full agenda: Agrimax training session for academia

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