Webinar training session on agricultural by- products valorisation through bio-refineries

This training session aims to share the results on Circular Bioeconomy obtained in the AGRIMAX project to be used in the food industry or for packaging companies.

Attendant profile

  • Professionals, technicians, managers of the agri-food industry or other sectors in need of new technological solutions from the bioeconomy
  • Teaching and research staff from Universities and R&D centers linked directly or indirectly  to the field of circular bioeconomy and new materials from agricultural by-products

Date: July 1st, 2021, 8.45 h to 13.00 h (CET time)

Register here. 

8.45 Opening of the waiting room
9.00 Agricultural cooperatives as suppliers and consumers of bioproducts – Mr. Antoni Galceran. R&D board representative. Catalan Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives (FCAC) 
9.10 Goals and organization of the webinar – Mr. Domènec Vila. FCAC
9.20 Presentation of the biorefinery processes in AGRIMAX. Description of the pilot plants developed. Mr. Andreas Staebler. FRAUNHOFFER
Food applications module
9.50 Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction of polyphenols from olive waste at pilot scale –  Mr. Óscar Rodriguez . IRIS Technology Solutions SL
10.20 Agrimax Spanish Pilot Plant: food ingredients and bio-fertilisers from by-products – Mr. Antonio Cruz. INDULLEIDA SA
10.50 Validation and demostration for food products – Mrs. Ingrid Aguiló, Mrs. Maribel Abadias and Mrs. Gemma Echeverria IRTA
11.20 Break
Packaging applications module
11.30 Valorization of ferulic acid from wheat bran to obtain bio-based polymers for packaging applications – Mr. Claudio Gioia. Università di Bologna
12.10 Fine-tuning of bio-waste derived compounds as materials for industrial processing of sustainable packaging Applications – Mrs. Soraya Sanchez. ITENE
      12.50 Conclusions – Mr. Domènec Vila. FCAC
      13.00   End of session